Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Lost Boys- Peter

Having watched the film "last boys", I can now understand the struggles, challenges and dangers Sudanese refugees went through since the civil war between north and south of Sudan and how some of them tried their best to fit in new culture in a new country, America. The last boys were all sent to the refugee camp at first after the horrible and cruel war, and then a few went to America for a new life. Peter was one of them, and he was sent to Huston in the beginning. Peter was very disappointed, because it was not like 'heaven' as described in Sudan. Peter was also not satisfied with that place because what he wanted the most was education and it was not available there. So he moved to Kansas and only then he was able to get a proper education by enrolling and studying in a high school. But still, he was having a hard time since he had to work to earn his own money. His schedules were always the same: waking up, going to school, going to work, making himself a dinner, doing homework, going to bed and it just repeated everyday. While he was adapting to this new culture in Kansas, he found out many cultural differences between Sudan and America as well. For example, when he was gathered with other Christians to sing and pray for god, he realized it's so different from his religion. Another difficulty for him was racism and stereotypes from others. He thought everyone was thinking him as someone bad or someone who is going to hurt people just because he was darker than them.
The thing he did to try to fit in new culture was first of all, getting along with others. He did not only hang out with people from his group, Sudanese, but also hung out with others who had different cultures, and tried to be friends with them. He played basketball in free time because he liked it. He wanted to spend time with people who had a common interest with him, and it became easier for him to make friends as playing basketball. He also joined in a church and followed some of their rituals. But after all, the most important thing was his determination, which propelled him to seek ways to earn money and improve on everything. Without his persistence, he would haven't been able to survive in a new culture that was unexpected.

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