Monday, March 29, 2010

Overcoming the Despair. Hope always exists.

I had to make a collage of Lost Boys of Sudan, and I applied all the SLRs into it. First of all, I thought creatively because there are several creative elements in my collage. The shape of my collage is not a rectangle; it is the shape of the country Sudan. I also used colors that show the brightness and hope which were supposed to be my message to others. And, I put feathers on one of the Lost Boys' arms to show that he became free and hopeful just like a bird. I reasoned critically by using the righteous and suitable images and texts. One of them is 'abandoned' which indicates the desert-like Sudan right after the chaos caused by a civil war. One of the images is a Lost Boy playing basketball in America, which shows he tries his best to not forget his own culture in a new culture, and stays optimistic. I also communicated effectively because my collage clearly creates awareness for the Lost Boys' plight. One of the texts is 'help', and it shows all the conflicts and hardships they went through like death, hunger etc. This collage also reflects me living ethically because my collage demonstrates empathy and evokes emotional responses from my viewers, inciting them to act. There are lots of pictures showing Sudanese having a hard time, and them trying their best to assimilate into a new culture. We need to help them, giving them even more of a 'hope' and make them have a good life. That is also like the most significant message in my collage.

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