Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Self Evaluation :D

My writing demonstrates appropriate ideas and content in Alchemist essay, because I clearly stated my ideas, appearing to know the topic well and I also included many interesting details. For example, I explained well how Santiego's determination made him achieve his goals: Determination gives Santiego strength and courage to continue his odyssey and to overcome any obstacles that he may encounter. But in Julius Caeser essay, though my details were interesting, I didn't explain how my quotations relate to the main idea of the paragraph. I could improve my writing to better express my ideas and enhance content by choosing suitable and making-sense quotations and explainig well about it. Also I have to focus on topic, not going off.
My writing demonstrates appropriate organization in Alchemist essay, because my body paragraphs always begin and end with clear topic and summarizing sentences. And I have a strong conclusion, repeating and summarizing all the things I have said. But in Julius Caeser essay, I don't have a strong conclusion. I tend to bring up different idea and even though my body paragrphs' begginings and endings look good, I don't have a clear thesis statement. I could improve my writing to demonstrate superior organization by making sure that my conclusion sums up everything in the essay, and establishing context prior to introducing a quotation.
I hoped to make an improvement between Alchemist essay and Julius Caeser essay. However, I did not, because I chose not appropriate quotes, which was very important, in Julius Caeser essay and went off topic a lot. I organized my ideas so well that I was proud of it in Alchemist essay, but my organization did not work as good as that in Juliust Caeser essay. And the ideas and content were not satisfactory in Julius Caeser essay.
I communicated effectively in my essays because I stated my ideas and tried to make readers undeterstad it. And I had a clear thesis statement so that I can communicate well with the readers.

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